Ferragamo Incanto Charms EDT 菲拉格慕 夢中情人女士淡香水

Ferragamo Incanto Charms EDT 菲拉格慕 夢中情人女士淡香水
Ferragamo Incanto Charms EDT 菲拉格慕 夢中情人女士淡香水

Ferragamo Incanto Charms EDT 菲拉格慕 夢中情人女士淡香水

Sale price $48.00
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一種跨越文化界限的交融,揉合了歐洲時尚與精緻的異國風情,傳遞出遙遠國度的魅惑與神奇的吸引魔力。Incanto Charms魅惑地挑動著感官,送你抵達逃離世俗的境地...一項強而有力的法寶...護送每一場所遭遇旅程的幸運護身符。 以甜心特有的魅力:好奇心、自主性與愛的特性,展開探險之旅。每一天對甜心而言都是一段不凡的旅程,她知道該如何善用每一天...她擁有魅惑的魔力將每段遭遇化為生命中難以忘懷的片刻。

A fusion that crosses cultural boundaries, blends European fashion and exquisite exoticism, and conveys the charm and magical attraction of distant countries. Incanto Charms fascinates the senses and sends you to a place of escape from the world... a powerful magic weapon... a lucky charm that escorts every encounter in every place. With sweetheart's unique charm: curiosity, autonomy and love, embark on an adventure journey. Every day is an extraordinary journey for Sweetheart. She knows how to make good use of every day... She has the magic of charm to turn every encounter into an unforgettable moment in her life.

產品尺寸: 40mm x 35mm x 110mm


推出年份: 2006

原產地: ITALY



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