DAVIDOFF隸屬於Zino Davidoff Group,DAVIDOFF是猶太裔商人Zino Davidoff於1980年創立。DAVIDOFF自成立以來,一直秉持其高品質的風格,已深受那些懂得欣賞其文化內涵、追求高品質生活人們的青睞。在全球主要的城市都能看到Davidoff獨特的著名設計。如今它的產品包括雪茄、雪茄配件、煙鬥、煙鬥配件、香菸、干邑、香水、皮革品和眼鏡。DAVIDOFF精神為“真正的奢華體現在每時每刻對美與終極愉悅的體驗”,這也是仙奴·大衛杜夫的座右銘,DAVIDOFF一開始將各門類產品授權給不同的頂級生產商。2005年,大衛杜夫解除了對奢華配件產品生產商的授權,開始直接開發並以DAVIDOFF為品牌名銷售奢侈品配件。
DAVIDOFF belongs to Zino Davidoff Group, DAVIDOFF was founded in 1980 by Zino Davidoff, a Jewish businessman, since its establishment, DAVIDOFF has been upholding its high quality style, and has been favored by those who appreciate its cultural connotation and pursue a high quality of life. Since its establishment, DAVIDOFF has been upholding its high quality style and has been favored by those who know how to appreciate its cultural connotation and pursue a high quality life. Davidoff's unique and famous designs can be found in major cities around the world. Today its products include cigars, cigar accessories, pipes, pipe accessories, cigarettes, cognac, perfumes, leather goods and eyewear. In the spirit of "true luxury is the experience of beauty and ultimate pleasure in every moment", which is also the motto of Seneu Davidoff, DAVIDOFF began by licensing its various categories of products to different top producers. In 2005, DAVIDOFF unlicensed its luxury accessory manufacturers and began to develop and sell luxury accessories directly under the DAVIDOFF brand name.