1992年,羅馬康多提的寶格麗精品店裡推出了品牌百餘年歷史上的首款香氛作品—— BVLGARI Eau Parfumée Au Thé Vert 寶格麗綠色經典淡香水(綠茶香),這也標誌著寶格麗因此正式進軍香氛市場。此後, BVLGARI Pour Homme 寶格麗男士淡香水(大吉嶺茶)(1995年)、以雙環彩色寶石為靈感的Omnia 彩寶系列女士香水(2003年)等為大衆消費者廣為熟知的香氛作品陸續推出。不僅限於香水本身味道的探索,其香水瓶設計,承襲珠寶視覺,走出了一條屬於自己的獨特道路。并且從香材到包裝,實踐永續理念。因此受到人們的認可與喜愛。
In 1992, BVLGARI Eau Parfumée Au Thé Vert (Green Tea) was launched in the BVLGARI boutique in Condotti, Rome, the first fragrance in the brand's more than 100-year history, marking BVLGARI's official entry into the fragrance market. Since then, BVLGARI Pour Homme Eau Parfumée Au Thé Vert (Green Tea) (1995) and Omnia (2003) inspired by the double-ringed colorful gemstones have been launched, and other fragrances that are well known to the public. Not only limited to the exploration of the fragrance itself, its bottle design, inherited from the jewelry vision, out of a unique path of its own. And from the fragrance material to the packaging, practicing the concept of sustainability. Therefore, it is recognized and loved by people.