Bvlgari Aqva EDT 寶格麗 水能量男士香水

Bvlgari Aqva  EDT 寶格麗 水能量男士香水
Bvlgari Aqva  EDT 寶格麗 水能量男士香水

Bvlgari Aqva EDT 寶格麗 水能量男士香水

原價 $305.00 特價 $275.00 $30折扣


寶格麗創始人高度熱愛自由,身體充滿激情和能量,不願再受困於工作和愛情,只願作大海的情人。如同海洋的男人可以帶給每個人快樂與驚喜,但卻能保持一份清醒的人格和對周遭敏銳的洞察力。寶格麗調用海洋水元素,出品的這款AQVA Pour Homme(水能量)男士香氛能讓你借助水的力量盡情揮舞,讓你的單純和熱情一觸即發。這是一場心靈之旅,是廣闊天地與人的對話,海一般心懷的男人令塵囂退至遙遠,令世界變得明淨而博大。




Bvlgari Aqua水能量男香的前味是由香橙樹葉及汁芽所提煉出的精油,另外加上蜜柑的味道所構成。徜徉在大海的中味,粹取著生長于海洋底層的角果澡,並融入活力的氧氣元素,加上棉杉橘的芬芳,讓男人水感動人。後味粹煉著著琥珀木的陽剛氣息,讓寶格麗AQVA不只讓人感受到海洋的清新及相容並蓄!

Bulgari launched the new men's fashion fragrance BvlgariAqua Bulgari Water Energy Men's Eau de Toilette in early spring of 2005. This perfume with water as a creative design project presents an unprecedented new style. In the interpretation of the fragrance, there are more surprises and vitality! BvlgariAqua water energy male incense contains natural sea flavor and blends into the richness of the orange orchard, making BvlgariAqua as clear and comfortable as morning dew; the natural zero-burden fragrance brings a refreshing morning light for male users.

The founder of Bulgari loves freedom highly, and his body is full of passion and energy. He does not want to be trapped in work and love anymore, but only wants to be a lover of the sea. Men like the ocean can bring happiness and surprise to everyone, but they can maintain a sober personality and a keen insight into the surroundings. Bulgari calls the ocean water element, this AQVA Pour Homme (water energy) men's fragrance produced by you can let you use the power of water to wave as much as possible, so that your simplicity and enthusiasm can be triggered at once. This is a spiritual journey, a dialogue between the vast world and people. The man with the sea of ​​heart makes the hustle and bustle retreat far away, making the world clear and broad.

Citrus and orange leaves are the first to bring a fresh and pleasant aroma atmosphere. The unique fragrance base is Caragana. As an aquatic plant, it will bring the original water energy to you who love life and nature. The warm woody fragrance of amber wood will bring you The bright and gentle personality is vividly reflected. His unique fragrance characteristics are specially designed for men with personality and personal characteristics. The rich and confident men's tone is combined with the strong and perfect combination from nature, plus the respect for the powerful power of the ocean and the appreciation of the noble and deep beauty, as if the man's firm and free soul was completely released from the deep waves of deep energy.

The bottom of the deep blue bottle is as deep as the sea. The gradient bottle body adopts the deep blue marine hue. The prismatic design makes the straightforward and straightforward character of men appear more thorough. The silver metallic shiny bottle cap is simple and refreshing, adding avant-garde atmosphere to the fresh energy. The casual and meticulous masculine style is revealed in this vibrant, fresh and natural fragrance. Vibrant ocean energy will lead you into an aquatic adventure, let you fill with the fresh breath of life, exude a vibrant fragrance.


The top note of Bvlgari Aqua Water Energy Men's Fragrance is composed of essential oils extracted from orange leaves and juice buds, plus the taste of tangerines. Wandering in the middle of the sea, taking the corner fruit bath that grows on the bottom of the ocean, and incorporating vital oxygen elements, plus the fragrance of the cedar orange, makes the man's water moving. The aftertaste is refined with the masculine atmosphere of amber wood, making Bvlgari AQVA not only make people feel the freshness and compatibility of the ocean!





原產地: 意大利



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