Byredo的名字來源於莎士比亞書中的一個短語「by redolence」(氣味甜美的香水)的縮寫,是品牌創始人Ben Gorham的一個文字遊戲。Byredo有很多酷的地方,最特別之處可能就在於,它的背後實的確存在這樣一個有血有肉的「Byredo先生」——不過,Ben Gorham野性的外表實在與我們想像中的調香師有很大的出入:紮起的長髮、絡腮鬍子、健碩的花臂,並且總穿一身黑,更像一個潮牌主理人。關於品牌香水的發想靈感,Ben Gorham 表示並沒有固定的儀式,他會隨身攜帶筆記本,每天抽出時間坐下,思考新的香水、想法、旅行甚至是身邊特定的人,以簡單的方式記錄,當這些想法有了一定程度的研究,便會著手開發。能夠確定的是,每種香氣均有自己的個性,有時來自特定的原料、一篇詩歌,甚至是一段回憶,他會向調香師傳達自己的情感,將抽象化為香氣。
Named after the Shakespearean phrase 'by redolence', a play on words by founder Ben Gorham, Byredo has a lot of cool things going for it, and perhaps the most unusual is that there is a flesh-and-blood 'Mr. Byredo' behind it! --But Ben Gorham's wild appearance is a far cry from what we'd expect from a perfumer: long hair, beard, flamboyant arms, and always dressed in black, more like a hipster. Regarding the inspiration for the brand's fragrances, Ben Gorham says there is no set ritual. He carries a notebook with him and takes time out of his day to sit down and think about new fragrances, ideas, travel, and even specific people around him, recording them in a simple way, and then develops them once they've been researched to a certain degree. What is certain is that each scent has its own personality, sometimes coming from a specific ingredient, a piece of poetry, or even a memory, and he conveys his feelings to the perfumer, abstracting them into a fragrance.