Calvin Klein

Calvin Klein

12 個產品

    Calvin Klein(簡稱CK)是卡爾文·克雷恩,是一個全球時尚及生活方式品牌,於1968年創立於美國紐約,主張大膽、前衛的理念,及性感極簡美學。50年來,不斷尋求獨特的消費者體驗,同時利用極具沖擊感的視覺及引人註目的設計來點燃感官。從服裝、配飾、內衣、香水到家居用品,其出眾的設計和廣告,在給人以新穎、大膽、新銳印象的同時,夾雜著美式的自在和性感。 

    Calvin Klein (CK) is a global fashion and lifestyle brand founded in 1968 in New York City, U.S.A. Calvin Klein is a bold, avant-garde brand with a sexy minimalist aesthetic that, for 50 years, has sought to create a unique consumer experience while igniting the senses with visually striking and attention-grabbing designs. From apparel, accessories, lingerie, fragrances, and home furnishings, their outstanding designs and advertisements give the impression of being fresh, bold, and cutting-edge, while at the same time mixing American ease and sensuality.

    12 個產品
    Calvin Klein 卡文克萊 One EDT 中性香水
    Calvin Klein
    $185.00 原價 $210.00 $25折扣
    Calvin Klein 卡文克萊 In2u For Him 喜歡你男士香水
    Calvin Klein
    $160.00 原價 $180.00 $20折扣
    Calvin Klein 卡文克萊 In2u For HER 喜歡你女士香水
    Calvin Klein
    $215.00 原價 $240.00 $25折扣
    Calvin Klein 卡文克萊 OBSESSED FOR WOMAN EDP 迷戀女仕香精
    Calvin Klein
    特價 $242.00 原價 $295.00 $53折扣