1837年,Tiffany & Co在美國創立。憑藉自身不斷創新的珠寶設計、超卓精湛的工匠技藝以及不同凡響創造實力,Tiffany & Co已成為全球頗具傳奇色彩的奢侈品設計品牌之一。Tiffany 精緻瓶身中承載優雅芬芳,其迷人的香水系列採用由調香大師混合的精緻成分,傳遞浪漫氣息和工藝傳承。
Tiffany & Co was founded in the United States in 1837. One of the world's most legendary luxury design houses, Tiffany & Co has established itself as a leader in innovative jewelry design, artisanal craftsmanship, and extraordinary creativity. Tiffany's exquisite bottles carry the scent of elegance, and its captivating collection of fragrances uses exquisite ingredients blended by master perfumers to convey a sense of romance and craftsmanship.