1941 年Coach創立於曼哈頓的一棟閣樓裡品牌彰顯了活力四射的紐約風情.COACH成立之初,是由六位來自皮革世家的皮匠師傅共同經營,是美國歷史最悠久和最成功的皮革製品公司之一.而時至今日,歷經了大半個世紀,coach產品包括女裝手袋、男裝手袋、商務包、行李箱、皮夾香水等.
1941 Coach was founded in Manhattan in a loft building brand highlights the vibrant New York style. COACH was founded by six from the leather family of leather craftsmen jointly operated, is the United States of America's longest history and one of the most successful leather products company. And today, after half a century, coach products include women's handbags, men's handbags, business bags, luggage, wallets and perfume.