1947年,Dior先生在巴黎成立個人品牌並舉辦人生中第一場時裝秀時,Dior的首款香氛Miss Dior也同時問世。其將「香氛」元素融入整體造型當中,在當時可謂創舉,不僅成功開啟服裝與香氛之間的對話,同時也為往後的香氛創作奠定基礎。Dior夢幻香水無論從“Miss Dior”到“Dior Addict”的各種Dior香水,都包羅萬象,融入夢幻色彩。Christian Dior香水可迎合各種女性、男性以及不同情緒。這些香水出人意表,誘惑力無從抗拒,也是香水製造業鉅子的藝術體現。香水為一種美容化妝品,不僅能散發濃郁、持久、悦人的香氣,還可增加使用者的美感和吸引力。Dior讓其王國裏的每一個事物都充分體現着女性的魅力。
In 1947, when Mr. Dior founded his brand and held his first fashion show in Paris, his first fragrance, Miss Dior, was also launched. Dior dream perfume from "Miss Dior" to "Dior Addict" all kinds of Dior perfume from "Miss Dior" to "Dior Addict", not only to open the dialogue between clothing and fragrance, but also to lay the foundation for future fragrance creation. From "Miss Dior" to "Dior Addict", the Dior fragrances are all encompassing and dreamy, and Christian Dior fragrances cater to a wide range of women, men and different emotions. These fragrances are unexpected, irresistibly seductive, and a manifestation of the artistry of the great masters of the perfume industry. A beauty cosmetic that not only emits a strong, long-lasting, pleasing scent, but also enhances the beauty and attractiveness of the user, Dior makes everything in its kingdom fully feminine.