Armani阿瑪尼是由Giorgio Armani喬治阿瑪尼先生於1975年創建的。在這個品牌創建之前,他曾是在超市裡的櫥窗上專著他的服裝設計,1950年後的22年裡,他跟隨當時的著名設計師Nino Cerutti學習,並逐漸成長為一名擁有獨立見解和思想的設計師。1974年,Armani阿瑪尼先生推出了他的首款男裝系列而一舉成名,1975年他便著手創立一個屬於自己的品牌公司,於是,Armani阿瑪尼公司建立了。隨著阿瑪尼時裝領域的擴大之後,阿瑪尼公司也逐漸朝著其他時尚領域發展,並於1982年開創了Armani阿瑪尼香水公司。
Armani was founded by Mr. Giorgio Armani in 1975. Prior to the creation of this brand, he used to specialize in his clothing design on the windows of supermarkets, and for 22 years after 1950, he studied with the famous designer of the time, Nino Cerutti, and gradually developed into a designer with independent views and ideas. 1974, Mr. Armani Armani launched his first men's collection and became famous, and then in 1975 he took the initiative to create a brand company of his own. In 1975, Mr. Armani set out to create a brand company of his own, and thus, Armani Armani was established. With the expansion of the Armani fashion sector, the company gradually moved into other areas of fashion, and in 1982, Armani Armani Perfume was created.