Anna Sui Fanstasia Mermaid EDT 安娜蘇 美人魚女士淡香水

Anna Sui Fanstasia Mermaid EDT 安娜蘇 美人魚女士淡香水
Anna Sui Fanstasia Mermaid EDT 安娜蘇 美人魚女士淡香水

Anna Sui Fanstasia Mermaid EDT 安娜蘇 美人魚女士淡香水

原價 $410.00 特價 $348.00 $62折扣

Anna Sui童話美人魚淡香水獨創花果東方調多變的香氣層次就像美人魚公主的個性一樣,變化多端令人驚歎,透過香調展現出小美人魚公主的三種經典個性:好奇心旺盛的前調-被多汁血橙、柑橘襯托出活潑,因豆蔻的加持而跳脫的更清新,第一印象就像陽光打在水波上那般閃爍發亮。果斷且有主見的中調-牡丹與茉莉花香相互陪襯,因荔枝的加入更添風味,各司其職彰顯出香氛厚實度。熱心又樂觀的後調-香草、蜂蜜賦予了香調柔軟圓潤卻不增加甜膩,金色木頭香氣為它的餘韻帶來恣意澄澈感。

Anna Sui fairy tale mermaid eau de toilette, original floral and fruit oriental, the changeable aroma level is just like the personality of the mermaid princess, the variety is amazing, through the fragrance, the three classic personalities of the little mermaid princess are displayed: the curiosity front Tune-It is lively set off by juicy blood oranges and citrus, and it is fresher due to the blessing of cardamom. The first impression is as bright as sunlight hitting water waves. The decisive and assertive middle notes-peony and jasmine scents complement each other. The addition of lychee adds more flavor, and each performs its duties to show the thickness of the fragrance. The warm and optimistic base notes-vanilla and honey give the notes soft and round without adding sweetness, and the golden wood aroma brings a sense of clarity to its aftertaste.

產品尺寸: 95mm X 70mm x 180mm

包裝規格: 75ml

推出年份: 2019

原產地: USA



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Diptyque 蒂普提克 淡香水五件組體驗禮盒(5x7.5毫升)
特價 $618.00 原價 $840.00 $222折扣