VERSACE 維沙馳迪倫女士香水套裝(香水50ml+潤膚露50ml+沐浴露50ml)

VERSACE  維沙馳迪倫女士香水套裝(香水50ml+潤膚露50ml+沐浴露50ml)

VERSACE 維沙馳迪倫女士香水套裝(香水50ml+潤膚露50ml+沐浴露50ml)

原價 $590.00 特價 $442.00 $148折扣


除了香調,瓶身的顏值也十分惹眼,傳承範思哲品牌一貫的華麗作風。瓶身靈感源自古典的雙耳圓罐造型,優雅別致的輪廓,喚起古希臘的神話氣息,仿佛帶人穿越時空,去往浪漫的愛琴海岸。對比強烈的藍金配色,高貴奢華,完美詮釋了精緻的裝飾美學,非常具有視覺衝擊力。海藍色琉璃宛如地中海般,帶來靜謐而強大的感覺,讓人想要一窺深沉海面下的神秘世界。金色的細節設計和經典的美杜莎圖案,糅合摩登與古典, 點綴瓶身內的珍貴韻調。只需一眼,就讓人無法自拔,心悅誠服地讚歎它的盛世藍顏。

This is an absolutely feminine perfume, featuring unique fruity notes. The top notes are blackcurrant sorbet, green apple, mixed with clover, forget-me-not, perilla leaves and other fruits and flowers, which are subtle and irresistible. The middle note is composed of various floral scents of wild rose, light pink rose, fragrant rose, and jasmine. It is gorgeous and full of life, like a sea of spring flowers. The air is full of warm and comfortable vitality and energy, letting you and me indulge together. The base notes are cleverly intertwined with white benzoin, soft white wood and patchouli core. It is these very layered fragrances that vividly present the unique personality temperament of this perfume, highlighting the independent, intellectual, elegant and charming feminine charm.

In addition to the fragrance, the appearance of the bottle is also very eye-catching, inheriting the usual gorgeous style of the Versace brand. The bottle body is inspired by the classic double-eared round tank shape, and the elegant and unique outline evokes the atmosphere of ancient Greek mythology, as if taking people through time and space to the romantic Aegean coast. The contrasting blue and gold color, noble and luxurious, perfectly interprets the exquisite decorative aesthetics, and has a very visual impact. The sea-blue colored glaze is like the Mediterranean Sea, bringing a sense of tranquility and power, making people want to see the mysterious world under the deep sea. The golden details of the design and the classic Medusa pattern blend modern and classic to embellish the precious charm in the bottle. Just a glance makes people unable to extricate themselves, and convincingly admires its prosperous blue face.

產品尺寸: 255mm x 85mm x 205mm



原產地: 意大利

前調:黑加侖 蘋果 三葉草 勿忘我 紫蘇
中調:野玫瑰果 玫瑰 茉莉 桃子 淺粉玫瑰
後調:安息香 木質香 麝香 廣藿香


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