Ultra Blood Sugar Pro Health
60粒 | 產地:美國
Qivaro血糖寶適合關注血糖健康人士的綜合性維生素,礦物質及草本營養補充劑。含印度沒藥,西洋奢草消炎殺菌,淨化血液,改善循環系統,有助調節血糖。 武靴葉能抑壓對甜食的意欲,同時減低腸道吸收糖份 ,促進胰島素分泌,有助修復胰島素細胞. 香蕉葉的科羅索酸能促進葡萄糖進入細胞分解,同時還含有抑制血糖升高的微量元素鋅,鎂等。苦瓜,肉桂,能促進胰島素功能,降解血脂血糖,舒緩症狀。白桑葉的脫氧黴素可阻止糖分解酶發揮作用,具有抑制血糖上升的功能,桑葉中多種生物活性有助人體抗應激,調節腎上腺激素功能,或有助穩定血糖。杜松漿果是很強的抗氧化劑,有很強的抗糖化特性,維護血管彈性。硫辛酸是萬能抗氧化劑,能消除導致加速老化與致病的自由基,自由到達人體任何一個細胞部位,吸收性好,活性強,穩定血糖,促進糖代謝,緩解糖尿病症狀,降低糖尿病併發症的發生率。牛磺酸是人體一種必須氨基酸,強化心肌,修復神經細胞,改善腸胃,消除疲勞。
Banaba leaf extract has been used for thousands of years in eastern cultures to manage blood sugar levels. Banaba leaf contains corosolic acid which functions as a natural blood sugar regulator, stimulating glucose uptake.
Ultra-Blood Sugar Pro Health is a natural supplement containing banaba leaf and an abundance of other nutrients and extracts that assist in helping those with diabetes and hypoglycemia to manage their blood sugar levels daily. This supplement contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, biotin, magnesium, and licorice root extract, all of which work to naturally regulate blood sugar levels in the human body.
特點 :
- 維護健康血糖水平 Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels*
- 促進胰島素機能 Supports Healthy Glucose Metabolism
- 珍貴天然草本營養 Premium Herbs & Nutrients
*旨在維持已經在正常範圍內的血糖水平 Formulated to support blood sugar levels already in the normal range
服用方法 Suggested Use:
1 capsule taken 1 to 3 times daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.
- 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。
Take only as directed. Do not exceed suggested dosage.
- 避免與其他元素鉻含量高的膳食補充劑一起服用。
Avoid taking this product in conjunction with other dietary supplements which contain high levels of elemental chromium.
- 各人體質、反應、吸收不同,產品亦因人而異。懷孕、正服用處方藥物或患長期疾病者,建議先向醫生諮詢。
- 本公司製造工廠也可能處理奶類,豆類,小麥,蛋類,花生,果仁,魚類,及甲殼類等產品。
This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
每張訂單在使用推廣代碼前,購物金額滿港幣$500 或以上,即可享免費送貨服務 (只限單一送貨地點)。如購物金額未滿港幣 $500,附加每件 $40元運費, 部份離島及限制禁區需再安排報運費。
(產品在 3-5 個工作天內寄出)