Kids Vitamin C Gummies Pro Health
90粒 | 產地:美國
Qivaro兒童素食軟糖維他命C配方專為4歲以上兒童而設:每食用份量含250毫克的維他命C有助增強抵抗力,有效預防或治療壞血病,提高免疫力及高抗氧化之功效, 維他命C能幫助鐵質吸收,製造血液,有助增強體質,促進健康。Qivaro兒童全植物軟糖,Q彈香軟,深得兒童歡心,而且不含任何人工色素和防腐劑。天然香橙口味,水果的味道和顏色含豐富維他命C,更提高抵抗力幫助預防病菌入侵。每日補充Qivaro兒童素食軟糖維他命C,令小朋友更精靈,快樂成長。
Qivaro Children's Vegetarian Gummy Vitamin C formula is specially designed for children over 4 years old: 250 mg of vitamin C per serving can help strengthen resistance, effectively prevent or treat scurvy, improve immunity and have high antioxidant effects. Vitamin C can help iron absorption, produce blood, help strengthen physical fitness and promote health. Qivaro children's whole plant gums, Q elastic and soft, won the favor of children, and do not contain any artificial colors and preservatives. The natural orange flavor, the flavor and color of the fruit are rich in vitamin C, which improves resistance and helps prevent the invasion of germs. Daily supplement of Vitamin C with Qivaro Children's Vegetarian Gummy Candies, to make children more wise and grow up happily.
特點 :
- 素食配方 Vegetarian Formula
- 維護免疫系統健康 Supports Immune Health
- 香橙口味 Orange Flavored
- 無麩質 Gluten Free
服用方法 Suggested Use:
每日 2 粒或遵醫囑。
For adults & children over 4, take 2 gummies daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Chew gummies throughly before swallowing. Do not exceed 3 gummies daily.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is damagedor missing. Store in a cool, dry place.
- 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。
Take only as directed. Do not exceed suggested dosage.
- 各人體質、反應、吸收不同,產品亦因人而異。懷孕、正服用處方藥物或患長期疾病者,建議先向醫生諮詢。
- 本產品可能在運輸期間隨著時間的推移,自然色素會變深。 這不會改變產品的功效。
This product may settle during shipping. Natural colors will darken over time. This does not alter the potency of the product.
- 本公司製造工廠也可能處理奶類,豆類,小麥,蛋類,花生,果仁,魚類,及甲殼類等產品。
This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
每張訂單在使用推廣代碼前,購物金額滿港幣$500 或以上,即可享免費送貨服務 (只限單一送貨地點)。如購物金額未滿港幣 $500,附加每件 $40元運費, 部份離島及限制禁區需再安排報運費。
(產品在 3-5 個工作天內寄出)