Gray Away Complex
60粒 | 產地:美國
Qivaro 防灰白髮寶是為健康頭髮的多種草本維生素礦物質抗氧化補充劑。過氧化氫酶在頭髮黑色素形成過程中承保護作用,中和過氧化氫,避免髮色氧化。酪氨酸有助修復內分泌功能,分泌黑色素。馬尾草含有豐富二氧化硅,促進毛髮生長並使頭髮富有活力和光澤,是參與黑色素形成必不可少之微量元素,此外含有微量元素硒等,有助頭髮黑色素和頭髮生長。鋸棕櫚漿果和植物固醇有助平衡體內荷爾蒙,促進生髮,維護及強健髮根。蕁麻,葉綠素,何首烏,大麥草,富含健康頭髮所需礦物質及微量元素,幫助刺激毛囊,幫助健康頭髮生長。補充維他命B族,銅,鋅等礦物質微量元素也是健康頭髮色素必不可少。每日補充2粒Qivaro防灰白健髮寶,有助頭髮黑色素細胞再生,增加健康頭髮,有助回复豐盈秀髮。
Qivaro anti-gray hair treasure is a multi-herbal vitamin and mineral antioxidant supplement for healthy hair. Catalase plays a protective role in the formation of melanin in the hair, neutralizes hydrogen peroxide and avoids oxidation of the hair color. Tyrosine helps to repair endocrine function and secrete melanin. Horsetail is rich in silica, which promotes hair growth and makes hair full of vitality and luster. It is an essential trace element that participates in the formation of melanin. In addition, it contains trace elements such as selenium, which helps hair melanin and hair growth. Saw Palmetto berries and plant sterols help balance hormones in the body, promote hair growth, maintain and strengthen hair roots. Nettle, chlorophyll, fleece-flower root and barley grass are rich in minerals and trace elements needed for healthy hair. They help stimulate hair follicles and help healthy hair grow. Supplementing vitamin B, copper, zinc and other mineral trace elements is also essential for healthy hair pigments. Supplementing 2 capsules of Qivaro Anti-Gray Hair Tonic daily can help regenerate melanocytes in the hair, increase healthy hair, and help restore plump hair.
Contains vitamin B-6, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, zinc, copper, catalase, horsetail, saw palmetto berry, PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), L-tyrosine, plant sterol, nettle extract, Chlorophyll extract, Polygonum multiflorum, barley grass juice powder.
特點 :
- 每食用份量含5000單位的過氧化氫酶 5000 IU Catalase(per serving)
- 16種活性成分 16 Active Ingredients
- 維持髮質健康 Supports Hair Health
服用方法 Suggested Use:
2 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.
- 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。
Take only as directed. Do not exceed suggested dosage.
- 各人體質、反應、吸收不同,產品亦因人而異。懷孕、正服用處方藥物或患長期疾病者,建議先向醫生諮詢。
- 本公司製造工廠也可能處理奶類,豆類,小麥,蛋類,花生,果仁,魚類,及甲殼類等產品。
This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
每張訂單在使用推廣代碼前,購物金額滿港幣$500 或以上,即可享免費送貨服務 (只限單一送貨地點)。如購物金額未滿港幣 $500,附加每件 $40元運費, 部份離島及限制禁區需再安排報運費。
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