Choless Support Pro Health
60粒 | 產地:美國
Qivaro 血脂寶是為關注健康血脂人士配製的維他命天然草木精華的營養補充劑。主要成份,如:β-谷甾醇能降低膽固醇在腸道的吸收,有降低血清膽固醇的作用,有助緩解Ⅱ型高脂血症及預防動脈粥樣硬化。香膠樹脂標準提取物常用於降低膽固醇和甘油三酯,有助於降低不良脂質,效果出色。甘蔗元素不僅可以降低壞的膽固醇(LDL),而且還可以增加好的膽固醇。(HDL)。辣椒有清除動脈阻塞,同時強化整個心血管系統的作用。大蒜含有的植物營養素(帶給人辛辣感)對血管以及血細胞有抗氧化,抗菌消炎的功效。其中,一種很特別的活性物質叫做艾喬恩,它能表現出抗血栓的性質。每日服用2粒Qivaro血脂寶,有助維護心血管膽固醇健康,支持血脂平衡。
There are natural ways an individual can control one's cholesterol levels. Guggul extract, which is made from the gum resin of the flowering mukul myrrh tree in India, has been used for many generations to lower high cholesterol. Garlic powder is another natural herb that is vital to regulate cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Garlic decreases the production of cholesterol, reduces buildup of cholesterol in the artery walls, and prevents blood clots. Guggul extract and Garlic Bulb powder can be found in Cholesterol Balance Pro Health, as well as other essential nutrients for maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
特點 :
- 維護健康膽固醇水平 Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels Within the Normal Range
- 含植物固醇 Contains Plant Sterol Complex
- 維他命及草本營養以維護心血管健康 Vitamin & Herbal Blend for Cardiovascular Health
服用方法 Suggested Use:
2 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not take on an empty stomach.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.
- 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。
Take only as directed. Do not exceed suggested dosage.
- 各人體質、反應、吸收不同,產品亦因人而異。懷孕、正服用處方藥物或患長期疾病者,建議先向醫生諮詢。
- 本公司製造工廠也可能處理奶類,豆類,小麥,蛋類,花生,果仁,魚類,及甲殼類等產品。
This product is manufactured and packaged in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and crustacean shellfish.
- 部分易過敏人士可能會出現菸鹼酸潮紅反應。
Most people should not experience "Niacin skin flush" when using this product. However a few sensitive individuals may experience some flushing.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
每張訂單在使用推廣代碼前,購物金額滿港幣$500 或以上,即可享免費送貨服務 (只限單一送貨地點)。如購物金額未滿港幣 $500,附加每件 $40元運費, 部份離島及限制禁區需再安排報運費。
(產品在 3-5 個工作天內寄出)